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The interconnected fabric of Regenesis Advocacies.

In nature, nothing exisits in isolation - everything is part of an intertwined web where one action has an effect to the entire network.

Terrestrial Restoration

Repair degraded land ecosystems to restore the health, biodiversity, and ecological functionality of the entire watershed, from ridge to reef.

Terrestrial Restoration

Repair degraded land ecosystems to restore the health, biodiversity, and ecological functionality of the entire watershed, from ridge to reef.

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Terrestrial Restoration

​Repair degraded land ecosystems to restore the health, biodiversity, and ecological functionality of the entire watershed, from ridge to reef.

Marine Restoration

A holistic, community-led, and data-driven regeneration of interconnected marine habitats

Regenerative Communities

Create resilient and self-sustaining settlements that leave landscapes better than they were before.

Regenerative Agriculture

Adoption of Permaculture, bamboo agroforestry, keyline design, and natural farming to grow food in way that increases the fertility of the land, not deplete it.

Regenerative Industries

Create livelihoods and circular industries that replenish the earth, regenerating land and people.

Ecological Literacy

Transform education to touch minds and hearts, creating a legions of change-makers, leaders, and restorers with the wisdom and knowledge to enact change and healing.

Regenerative Tourism

Travel and create beautiful experiences in a way that leaves a positive impact.

Mental health & Inner Healing

Move beyond external transformations and cultivate inner growth. As we contribute to healing the earth, we also find healing for ourselves.

Healing PEOPLE
through NATURE.
Healing NATURE
through PEOPLE.
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